domingo, 22 de março de 2009

Comentário do dia 22/03/09 - Censurado por Reinaldo Azevedo

Olá, Reinaldo!

Minha sugestão de leitura de hoje é a coluna do excelente jornalista israelense do Haaretz, Gideon Levy:

Destaco alguns trechos que parecem ter sido escritos exatamente pra você:

"[Sobre os relatos de crimes dados pelos próprios soldados israelenses] The Israel Defense Forces Spokesman was quick to respond that the IDF had no prior or supporting information about the events in question, the defense minister was quick to respond that "the IDF is the most moral army in the world," and the military advocate general said the IDF would investigate. All these propagandistic and ridiculous responses are meant not only to deceive the public, but also to offer shameless lies. The IDF knew very well what its soldiers did in Gaza. It has long ceased to be the most moral army in the world. Far from it - it will not seriously investigate anything."

"Everything has long been known by those who wanted to know, those who, for example, read Amira Hass's dispatches from Gaza in this paper. Everything started long before the assault on Gaza."

"Everything the soldiers described from Gaza, everything, occurred during these blood-soaked years as if they were routine events."

""That's what is so nice, as it were, about Gaza: You see a person on a road ... and you can just shoot him." This "nice" thing has been around for 40 years. "

"As much as we talk about the IDF being an army of values, let's just say this is not the situation on the ground, not on the battalion level"

"The IDF is incapable of investigating the crimes of its soldiers and commanders, and it is ridiculous to expect it to do so. These are not instances of "errant fire," but of deliberate fire resulting from an order. These are not "a few bad apples," but rather the spirit of the commander, and this spirit has been bad and corrupt for quite some time."

Reinaldo, tenha dignidade, homem! Assuma que ou você é um ignorante no assunto e deveria se abster de postar suas bobagens, ou você é um canalha que se sujeita a MENTIR deliberadamente.

Até a próxima!

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