sábado, 21 de março de 2009

Comentário do dia 16/02/09 - Censurado por Reinaldo Azevedo

Postado na comunidade "Eu admiro o Reinaldo Azevedo", a respeito da ignorância sobre o conflito israelo-palestino:

Comentário de hoje

"Olá, Reinaldo!

Minha sugestão de hoje é uma reportagem do excelente colunista Akiva Eldar, do jornal israelense Haaretz, baseada num estudo realizado por psicólogos israelenses.

Por favor, leia com muita atenção cada linha da matéria: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=1060061

Só pra garantir, vou destacar aqui algumas partes que acho muito importantes:

"Israeli Jews' consciousness is characterized by a sense of victimization, a siege mentality, blind patriotism, belligerence, self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians and insensitivity to their suffering."

"...he conducted a survey in the summer of 2008 among a representative sample of 500 Jewish Israeli adults. The study demonstrated that widespread support for the official memory testifies to a lower level of critical thinking, as well as belief in traditional values, high identification with Jewish identity, a tendency to delegitimize the Arabs, and support for taking aggressive steps against the Palestinians. "

"...the general public is not interested in knowing what Israel did in Gaza for many years; how the disengagement was carried out and why, or what its outcome was for the Palestinians; why Hamas came to power in democratic elections; how many people were killed in Gaza from the disengagement until the start of the recent war; and whether it was possible to extend the recent cease-fire or even who violated it first. "

"Over 45 percent of Israeli Jews have imprinted on their memories the version that the second intifada broke out only, or principally, because Arafat planned the conflict in advance. Only 15 percent of them believe the viewpoint presented by three heads of the Shin Bet security services: that the intifada was mainly the eruption of a popular protest."

"Among the same Jewish public, 40 percent are unaware that at the end of the 19th century, the Arabs were an absolute majority among the inhabitants of the Land of Israel"


"Bar-Tal claims that this distortion of memory is no coincidence. He says that the details of the plan do not appear in any textbook, and this is a deliberate omission."

Achei tudo isso muito interessante, pois parece descrever exatamente o modo como você pensa a questão: simplista, com pouco senso crítico, baseando-se nas "versões oficiais" dos porta-vozes israelenses enquanto ignora a realidade, deslegitimando os palestinos e mostrando-se indiferente ao sofrimento deles.

Você continua censurando os meus comentários e se recusa a discutir comigo no Orkut. Qual o problema, Reinaldo? Não quer admitir que estava errado? Estou esperando seu pedido de desculpas por todas as barbaridades que você escreveu sobre mim e autorizou os seus leitores comentarem.

Até a próxima! "

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