"Olá, Reinaldo!
O time de pesquisadores da Anistia Internacional reporta a respeito da destruição generalizada de casas e outras instalações civis pelo exército israelense em Gaza, durante a operação “Cast Lead”: http://livewire.amnesty.org/2009/01/29/908/#more-908
Destaco alguns trechos:
“We have not ourselves tried to count each destroyed house that we have seen, but the figures quoted by the UN [4000 casas totalmente destruídas e 17000 parcialmente destruídas] do not seem to be excessive compared to what we have observed on the ground.”
“Today, some foreign journalists asked us look at a house, a mosque which had been completely destroyed by the Israeli army and a school which had been severely damaged. They had been told by the Israeli army that these buildings had been destroyed or damaged because they had been used as weapons stores. (…) …it was evident there had been no secondary conflagration. As well, there was no indication that anything had been removed from the rubble. The only explosive that we found was one of the Israeli anti-tank mines, which bore Hebrew marking and was damaged but unexploded. It appeared to have been used as part of an effort to blow up the house.
As for the school, it had sustained severe damage in one place, seemingly by an F-16 strike, and lesser damage, which appeared to have been caused by shelling, in several other places on the upper floors. Here too, we saw no evidence that the school had contained anything other than what would be expected to be found in a school – desks, blackboards and the like.”
“In some areas that we visited, we were told that Palestinian armed groups had fired rockets from nearby open spaces – but it was hard to see how this could warrant the destruction of entire residential neighbourhoods. At al-Mughraqa, to cite just one example, a quarter of the town was razed to the ground by Israeli forces one day before the ceasefire.”
Claro que é tudo propaganda do Hamas pra difamar o “exército mais ético do mundo”, né, Reinaldo?
Até a próxima!"
"Olá, Reinaldo!
O time de pesquisadores da Anistia Internacional reporta a respeito da destruição generalizada de casas e outras instalações civis pelo exército israelense em Gaza, durante a operação “Cast Lead”: http://livewire.amnesty.org/2009/01/29/908/#more-908
Destaco alguns trechos:
“We have not ourselves tried to count each destroyed house that we have seen, but the figures quoted by the UN [4000 casas totalmente destruídas e 17000 parcialmente destruídas] do not seem to be excessive compared to what we have observed on the ground.”
“Today, some foreign journalists asked us look at a house, a mosque which had been completely destroyed by the Israeli army and a school which had been severely damaged. They had been told by the Israeli army that these buildings had been destroyed or damaged because they had been used as weapons stores. (…) …it was evident there had been no secondary conflagration. As well, there was no indication that anything had been removed from the rubble. The only explosive that we found was one of the Israeli anti-tank mines, which bore Hebrew marking and was damaged but unexploded. It appeared to have been used as part of an effort to blow up the house.
As for the school, it had sustained severe damage in one place, seemingly by an F-16 strike, and lesser damage, which appeared to have been caused by shelling, in several other places on the upper floors. Here too, we saw no evidence that the school had contained anything other than what would be expected to be found in a school – desks, blackboards and the like.”
“In some areas that we visited, we were told that Palestinian armed groups had fired rockets from nearby open spaces – but it was hard to see how this could warrant the destruction of entire residential neighbourhoods. At al-Mughraqa, to cite just one example, a quarter of the town was razed to the ground by Israeli forces one day before the ceasefire.”
Claro que é tudo propaganda do Hamas pra difamar o “exército mais ético do mundo”, né, Reinaldo?
Até a próxima!"
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